Saturday, March 20, 2010

SAVE even at the grocery store here !!!!!

I'm so excited about this. There is finally a place where we can go and check on our local national chain store to see the great deals. I think we have all gotten the "hang" of saving money at the drug stores and we have more toothpaste and shampoo in our house where I often contimplate what receipes I can make with these items....or to donate to charity. Which is GREAT!! I love it and I love giving it away. We also know we can really save on Cereal and snacks at the drug store but what about the rest...well go here to see your local national chain grocery store and the deals. Money saving mom has been working on this and its just great. Be patient as there are still kinks to be worked out. But they have our East Coast/PA stores...Pathmark, Giant, Acme, Shop Rite etc... You can go to the link and either subscribe to the RSS Feed or get emails or you can simply check in every week and on the RIGHT side of the blog there are all the national stores and click them to see the deals. Remember saving blogs are a collaborated effort as this one is as well ,so she relies on contributors. But It'll work out. I'm very excited and look forward to posting some great grocery deals. Please email me your deals and even photo and I will list them. Or post a comment here with your great deal. Check it out!! For future referance I have her "button" on the right on my blog if you forget what here blog is. Just click on it and it'll take you to her home page!!!


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