Monday, May 24, 2010

Open a Chase bank account and earn $100

We have done this at another bank before so I know this is a good way to make $100!
Go here and find out the details.
Print this coupon and take it to your local Chase bank
Within 60 days of opening the account you will EITHER need to make 5 debit withdraws (of any amount, so put a little something in the account to start...even $20 bucks) OR set up a direct deposit. (the debits are easier if your not planning on using it as your primary checking account).
Then after the 60 days they will deposit $100 in your account!
I'm investigating to see if I can open a children's account with this offer...I'll post and see what I find out! And if this can be done over the internet or phone since there arent any real close to me!
This offer expires 5/28 so hurry!!
here are the Branch offices!!
BTW..... the fine print says that it must remain open for 6 month and while there is no service charge you must make 5 debit purchases per statement peroid to avoid that charge.


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