Tuesday, February 16, 2010

$5 off $25 Rite Aid coupon

Go here to print your $5 off $25 Rite aid coupon. (THIS COUPON DOESN'T EXPIRE UNTIL 4/30/!) so grab while you can and spend later if you want!!) You may have to input your area code and search within 50 miles or something if you don't see it right away. Print them now as they go fast like most of the coupons do once they have reached a certain limit then the companies take them away. And remember with ALL coupon Sites you can print TWO per computer!!
Also match them up with the Rite aid deals and other coupons listed below under "This weeks Rite Aid deals" for a GREAT savings.
REMEMBER the order to give these coupons...
First The 5 off 25
THEN the manufacturer's coupons and Internet coupons


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