Friday, February 12, 2010

What to do with Expired Coupons!!! WOW!!

So I was THRILLED To hear about this today and couldn't wait to get online tonight and check it out! My brother in law is a chief in the Navy and I know that with their children it is often a financial struggle especially when he is away. And even though this only applies to (as far as I can read) to oversees I am still thrilled. What better way to get rid of expired coupons. Every month I throw out expired coupons that I have labored to cut but most of all it seems a waste since I have learned that they are actually money!!!
So here's the deal. Go to this site OVERSEES COUPON PROGRAM read and just pick a base oversees and send expired coupons!!!! They prefer that they be NO older than two months when you do send them as the military can use them up to 6 months after. Get with some friends or your church (LADIES at BBC which one should we chose.....) and send them together. I think this is GREAT!!!! I love to give things away that I am not in need of and I LOVE to help our servicemen and to save money what more could you ask for???


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